Your Customers Always Pay… Right Up Until They Don’t
Business Insolvencies & Bad Debts happen every day for reasons even sharpest Credit Teams Cannot See Coming. Anti Trust Lawsuits. Underinsured Disaster. Poor Decisions. Ownership Change. Divorce. Political Risk. COVID-19. Funding Dries Up. War Breaks Out
in·sur·ance | \ in-ˈshu̇r-ən(t)s (noun) - coverage by contract whereby one party undertakes to indemnify or guarantee another against unexpected loss by a specified contingency or peril
If you expected they wouldn’t pay, you would not have shipped to them, would you?
The Insurance Carriers pay out $.65 -$.75 for every dollar of premium they take in, so clearly there are unexpected losses.
Uncertainty breeds Uncertainty
Uncertainty breeds Uncertainty 〰️
Crescendo Trade Risk guarantees your sales are safe
from unexpected events through our Global Insurance Partners.
As a leading Trade Credit Insurance Broker, we do the heavy lifting putting together the right mix of A/R Risk Management and A/R Risk Transfer (Insurance) for your company.
Why Would Companies Manage Credit by Looking in Rear View Mirror?
Just because your customer has paid you, doesn’t mean they will going forward
Every Year thousands of US companies move towards Trade Credit Insurance and abandon managing credit by looking in the rear view window